Lime Pickle Recipe





Lime Pickle Recipe 

6-8 Lemons/limes
1.5 tablespoons - salt
1.5 teaspoons chille powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons garam masalla

Wash lemons/limes in hot soapy water to get rid of wax and other impurities. Rinse and dry.
Top and tail to remove excess pith. (you don't want any pith in your pickle it tastes nasty and makes it too watery!)

Cut in half (top to bottom)and then cut into 4-5mm wide segments (top to bottom), remove pips from the segments. Slice each segment into small slices (you should end up with loads of little triangles.)

Chop the fruit on a plate to conserve as much juice as possible.

Put all the ingredients in to a large glass jar and seal lid (I use cling film) and give the jar a good shake to distribute all the spices.

Leave in a warm place for 1 week before using, shaking the jar at least once every day.

The spice quantities are approximate and can be varied for taste. Substitute brown sugar for salt if you require it a little sweeter.

The contents of this site was made-up down the pub one Friday night in Nov 2000 after a few drinks, so don't believe a word of it!
Last modified: December 10, 2002