Table of Contents
How do I become a member of the M1CurryClub?Membership is open the people who have been recommended by current members or anyone who is willing to pick up all the bill on their first curry night Back to TopWhere can I find the M1CurryClub ?You can't but you can contact us by e-mailing paul@m1curryclub.co.uk Back to TopWhy does the M1CurryClub exist ?A long long time ago was man called Stu, who's wife used to cook him fish each night for his tea. Stu was very happy until his best mate Mick said unto Stu "what fish each night for tea" and Stu replied "What do you mean, don't you eat fish for tea each night?" to which Mick replied "Each quarter, I will take to a place which serves dishes from the Mystic East" to which Stu replied "OK but can I bring my mate Andy along too" Mick replied " Yes - of course, you can bring three if you like, we will meet on the 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter, but not December because the service is crap" As time past both Mick and Stu moved from the small village of Nottingham to the BIG cities of Leicester and Milton Keynes. On their way they picked up all sorts of strange people, who also started going to the places which serves dishes from the Mystic East, each 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter (but not December because the service is crap) More time past and the club called - All sorts of strange people who go to the places which serve dishes from the Mystic East, each 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter, (but not December because the service is crap) had been going for 10 years. Then one Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter, one of the members said "We have got to get ourselves a better name" because we keep turning up at the places which serve dishes from the Mystic East each 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter (but not December because the service is crap) and they don't have a booking for us because the men in he places which serves dishes from the Mystic East forget to write the name down because its so long . So the members of the club called - All sorts of strange people who go to the places which serve dishes from the Mystic East, each 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter, (but not December because the service is crap), had a think about a new name and said "Hey we all live along the M1 Motorway in-between Dunsable and Nottingham, why not call ourselves the - All sorts of strange people who go to the places which serve dishes from the Mystic East, each 1st Friday of the 3rd month in each quarter, (but not December because the service is crap) along the M1 Motorway or M1CurryClub for short" but one member said "But sometimes we go to places that don't serve just curry" but the other members said "Just shut-up" So the M1CurryClub was born and they created this Web site. Back to TopWho are the members of the M1CurryClub?This information is secret to protect the innocent. Back to TopWhat is the M1CurryClub?Please use this LINK Back to TopWhen is the next meeting of the M1CurryClub?Please use this LINK for the date of the next meeting Back to TopIs the Webmaster of the M1CurryClub mad?Short answer - Yes Long answer - Very Back to Top
The contents of this site was made-up down the pub one Friday night in Nov 2000 after a few drinks, so don't believe a word of it!Last modified: December 10, 2002