Visits 2002 - Sept





September - Junction 21 , Leicester

 Pete's House

M1CurryClub Chili rating     


Pete’s House – 6th September, 2002






M1CurryClub Reviews 

Review by Dave

 Pete's Place

A dark and stormy night not so long ago,

The Emwon curry club to Pete's place do go,

For Pete accompanied by his lady fair,

Serves the tastiest and the finest fayre,

The Emwon arrives in dribs and drabs,

Eating curried nuts, a-waiting the other chaps,

Talk of onion bajiis with e-noss missin'

And glorious smells a-coming from the kitchen,

Seated at the linen covered table are we,

Drinking beer bought from the local off-ee,

Starters, dishes of rice, vegetables and meat,

Each and every one a rare and delightful treat,

Food fit for a prince, a queen or a king,

Or rather a maharaja, or that sort of thing,

Emwon contented, eaten more than it's fill,

Ambrosia for sure, this is no bitter pill,

A collection from the deepest pockets found,

Which mine host insists to be charity bound,

Goodbyes, farewells and thank yous said,

A long journey home and happily to bed.


M1CurryClub detailed rating - 5

Ease of parking 5 - outside the door

Ease to locating 5 - good map

Extent of menu 5 - good

Quality of food 6/5 -  just like home cooking (it was!)

Taste 5 - too good to be true

Speed of service 5 - fast

Any special beers 5- bring your own

Value for money  5 -  best this year (well, best since I've been going to the CC)

Environment   5 - yes, Pete has a very nice house (no 6 years old son, totally trashing the house)  

Waiters  5 - called Smith and very good

Manager 10/5   have you seen Pete's wife !!!!!!!!

Paul's closing comments - Pete and his wife made us very welcome and it was the best food since I have been going to the curry club. Thanks Pete


Click on to enlarge - Sorry no Photo, the Web Master forgot the camera 

The contents of this site was made-up down the pub one Friday night in Nov 2000 after a few drinks, so don't believe a word of it!
Last modified: December 10, 2002